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Embracing an Entrepreneurial Mindset: 3 Takeaways from the Silicon Valley

This past month I had the pleasure of participating in an ag-tech immersion program that brought several of my colleagues from Latin America and myself into the heart of Silicon Valley. The program was hosted by SV Links, a non-profit organization focused on entrepreneurship and tech innovation culture. The company connects businesses with the Silicon Valley ecosystem, one of the world's most innovative regions. Thanks to SV Links, we networked with leaders at start-up incubators, private equity firms, and cutting-edge ag-tech companies. 

The opportunity reminded me that forward-thinking entrepreneurship is a continuous process. Here are my takeaways from this transformative experience. These takeaways can be implemented not only in the evolving world of sustainable agriculture but in any industry: 


1. Stay Current with Emerging Technology Inside and Outside Your Field 

More than any other time in history, business operates in a continuously disruptive environment. As soon as we become accustomed to a technology, another ground-breaking product or system is already disrupting an industry or creating a new one. 

Like everything new, these advances can seem intimidating or even irrelevant to your line of work. However, as leaders, we have an obligation to learn about emerging technologies inside and outside our field precisely because these innovations can potentially disrupt our industry. It’s important to keep pace with new technologies and how your company can use them to increase business opportunities, productivity, and economic growth. 

For example, a decade ago, few growers would have anticipated the rapid adoption of the digital, data-driven technologies that are increasingly being adopted in the agriculture sector. An innovative leader can look at seemingly “irrelevant” technology from other industries and find a way to leverage the technology into their industry. Many of the digital tools we employ in agriculture today leverage technology that was launched in other industries.  

2. Build Authentic Relationships with Like-Minded People

Building authentic relationships with like-minded people is an essential skill in life and business. My experience during this program only reinforced this fact. 

In the business world, we take our leadership cues from people that surround us. It’s important to continually assess our network and seek out advisers and thought partners who employ an entrepreneurial mindset. These individuals seek out challenges, embrace new ideas, and are unafraid of taking calculated risks. 

Often, the most vital connections don’t come from within our comfort zone or social circle. It’s important to seek out and build relationships outside of our usual business connections. The individuals I interacted with during the program reinvigorated my entrepreneurial mindset and showed opportunities that I would have never come across in my “normal” social circle.

3. Always Prioritize Innovation in Your Business

Innovation is critical in every industry, but sometimes it seems there is not enough time in our busy days to look across the fence and see what’s being adopted in other industries. It’s far too easy for business leaders to get caught in the trap of working exclusively on the day-to-day business activities and not leave time for innovation and networking.

Start now and in small steps. Innovation in your company does not always have to be a breakthrough technology. It’s important to continuously evaluate new ways of getting the job done. There are almost always novel and valuable variations to your current business model that can help differentiate your business. 

These ideas are easier said than done. They require persistent attention and disciplined work. However, I believe the attention and investments lead to returns that will make a difference in your business. 

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