Protected Agriculture - Getting Closer to the Source with Greenhouses

Takeaways From The 2022 World Ag Expo

The World Ag Expo returned to Tulare, CA, in February 2022 after a year away. The Netafim USA team attended the entire event, including hosting booth demonstrations. Here are a few of the team’s key takeaways from the 3-day event. 

Greenhouses have brought a Silicon Valley-like mindset to the agriculture industry, using cutting-edge technology to help growers sustainably meet their bottom line and the needs of a growing population.

Attendees with a purpose

With attendance numbers down compared to previous years due to the pandemic, participants at the expo came with more focused purposes. Our Netafim team noticed that many attendees were specifically looking for products or solutions related to sustainability rather than attending without a real direction or desired goal from the expo. Ag-tech also received significant attention from those looking to upgrade their practices, and the conversations I had were more meaningful and business-driven than ever before.

Focus on Sustainability

Between pandemic-accelerated trends and an increased focus on eco-friendly practices, the past year has seen a stronger emphasis on sustainability in the industry and across the US. As a result, the Netafim team also received many inquiries about our sustainable farming solutions at the expo.


Interest in SDI-Effluent

Besides several questions regarding Netafim’s core business, the team met with attendees from the Midwest. They were particularly eager to learn about emerging technologies and solutions, such as SDI-Effluent and its applications for dairy operations. These refreshing conversations indicated an increased willingness to adopt new, technology-powered ways to improve current farming methods.

Interest in FlexNet pipes

Ongoing global supply chain issues have created a shortage in PVC pipes and the ensuing demand for alternatives. As a result, the Netafim team met with many attendees interested in learning more about our FlexNet product line, which are assembled in the U.S. and can be shipped and delivered more quickly. In addition, through product demonstration at the Netafim booth, attendees showed interest in related applications such as sprinklers.

Interest in ReGen

The expo featured numerous sustainability solutions, including Netafim’s own ReGen. As a leader in sustainable farming, the Netafim team is pleased that more players in the industry have joined the development and promotion of products and solutions that help protect the environment.

Ag Tech Plays A Bigger Role

It is also worth noting that ag tech attracted more attention than in previous years. The digital farming team at Netafim was met with numerous questions about various solutions to improve efficiency and control costs. Due to the rising labor costs in states like California, attendees showed particularly strong interest in automation solutions, which could help reduce reliance on human labor and provide economic benefits for farmers.

Optimism about 2022

The World Ag Expo’s return symbolized the industry’s resilience and recovery from the pandemic. People are ready to return to trade shows and get back into learning and exploring new offerings in the agriculture industry. The expo provided an excellent launch for 2022, showing us the importance of our work and reinforcing our commitment to developing and providing sustainable irrigation solutions as a leader in our field.

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